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Perú > Education > Schools > Languages:

Amauta Spanish School
Learn spanish in Cusco, Peru, with Amauta spanish school. Spanish immersion courses, volunteer work, accommodation and cultural workshops in: Cusco, Sacred Valley and Manu. Study spanish in Peru.
AC Spanish Classes
Learn and speak Spanish in Lima, Peru. Our school has twenty years experience, and have our own effective interactive method which will enable students to speak fluently without a foreign accent.
Inticahuarina Spanish Language School
Study Spanish in Cusco, PerĂº. Spanish Full immersion courses. Learn spanish through volunteer work.
San Blas Spanish School
You learn Spanish in individual or group classes. You can stay with a family, exchange languages and participate in a volunteer program.
Peru Language Center
Immerse yourself in the Spanish language and experience the culture of PerĂº with Peru Language.
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